发布日期:2020-05-22 17:24 浏览量:4602
He immigrated to Canada at the age of 5, attended the GATE program at Queen Elizabeth Jr/Sr High School, and graduated from Sir Winston Churchill High School as part of the IB certificate program.
侯韫韬 Tasha Hou, 刚过22岁,就读于University of Alberta 的 dentistry school, doctor of dental surgery DDS位。牙科学院DDS学位。
二岁半随父母从中国南京移民加拿大。小学毕业于Brentwood 的Traditional Learning Centre Program。高中毕业于Sir Winston Churchill 。
Tasha Hou获得RBC 奖学金2万六干加币,全加拿六个名额中唯一华人,18岁去肯尼亚援助一个月。科研论文获得2个名额中一个。
该同学热衷旅游,健身,跑步,钓鱼,采蘑菇及组织各种社团,慈善活动。高中是JA president, speech获省里奖项。
Student Representative
University of Alberta Dental Alumni Association
Jan 2019 – Present1 year 5
Founder and Chair
Women's Empowerment Lunch and Learn
汪姗瑾在蒙城和Edmonton教书,关于如何考入医学院和MCAT exam 如何复习和应考,她还参与医学院面试。她将辅导有志医学考生。
David 现在是Churchill高中12年级IB学生。去年11月份刚被普林斯顿大学全奖提前录取。他6岁时从中国移民到加拿大。在安大略省伦敦市开始上小学。三年级后,跟随父母搬到卡尔加里,就读于Edgemont小学。在初中时,就读于Queen Elizabeth gifted program。之后,在Churchill High School 学习full IB 课程。目前,David已经开始在卡尔加大学注册学习大学一年级的数学课程。在整个小学和初中,他参加了各种数学竞赛,并获得了不错的成绩。在高中时,曾获得生物学竞赛和模拟联合国会议的国家和国际级奖项。也是两个非营利组织和学校各种学术俱乐部的负责人。还定期与卡尔加里大学的教授进行生化研究。
Eric is currently a full IB student. He is passionate about public speaking having competed at the regional and provincial level for the last four years in speech and debate. In the past two years, he has won scholarships for Calgary Performing Arts, the Dr. Leona Paterson memorial scholarship and the Parnham Scholarship.
He has experience teaching speech group lessons. His expertise has led him to advocate for youth in front of politicians such as Jason Kenny, Adriana LaGrange and Bill Morneau.
Jenny is currently in Grade 11 studying full French-immersion IB at Western Canada high school. She has spent the last five years learning core subjects in French. Apart from competing in numerous Chinese speech competitions, she graduated as class valedictorian for Chinese school. She has won awards for provincial bilingual debate and English regionals. By volunteering in policing events and as a student teacher, she has accumulated more than 250 volunteer hours. She is passionate about sharing her experiences and sparking interest in young children to better express themselves and learn new languages.l
Proficient in computer programming, debate, and speech. Hobbies of self-defence and martial arts. He enjoys competition, the power of ideas, and improving every day.
2019 Webber Debate Camp Senior High 1st Team
2020 Bob Edwards Junior Open Debate 3rd Team
2018 Strathcona Tweedsmuir Junior Open Speech Provincials 4th Speaker, Provincial Tournament (all of Alberta)
2018 Sir Winston Churchill Junior Open Speech Regionals 7th speaker, Regional Tournament (all of Calgary)
2019 ATB Future Transformer Summer Camp Invitation-only camp for web design in pursuit of improving the world.